✨ New Feature: Deliver Imagery from Planet Explorer to Sentinel Hub

Deliver Imagery from Planet Explorer to Sentinel Hub  Planet Explorer now supports delivery to Sentinel Hub imagery collections at image checkout. Use the Sentinel Hub option to deliver images. The following requirements allow you to deliver to Sentinel Hub from the Explorer Orders window.You must have linked your user accounts. See Linking Planet User to Sentinel Hub User. Optional: You can provide a collection ID to deliver to an existing SH collection. You can find your collections from the SH Collections Dashboard. If you don’t have an existing collection, click Continue. Your order creates a new collection for you.  Complete the order imagery steps.After your data is delivered to a collection, use the imagery analysis and visualization tools in the EO Browser or the Python SDK to create insights from your data. Accessing Data in the EO BrowserComplete the following steps to access PlanetScope data in the EO Browser.Access the Configuration Utility to set up the data visualization options. Click New Configuration and name your configuration. Create a configuration based on one of the template instances and scroll down to My PlanetScope Data - PSScene.  Specify a collection. You can search by name or ID. Click Create Configuration. The following page displays the different layers created. Options include true color, NDVI, and false color. If you select a template instance, other options will be displayed. Select Open in EO Browser from the saved configuration in the bottom left Service Endpoints section. The EO Browser opens, and you can visualize and perform light spectral analysis using your planet data.To learn more about creating custom configuration instances, refer to the Dashboard application help. Viewing Data in the EO BrowserNavigate to the spatial extent of your data on the map and set the time of interest range to encompass the date your imagery was captured. In the left panel, select the configuration as the data source and click search to find imagery that matches this criteria. From the search results, click Visualize to see your data. You can switch between different layers to visualize with different spectral analyses or band combinations. You can change the date to explore more imagery you deliver to the same collection.Additional Resources Please take a look at the Planet Explorer Overview for more information.Refer to the following frequently asked questions in our support resources: Planet Support FAQSentinel Hub FAQ 

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Announcement: User Authentication Services Migration

Planet Labs is performing engineering maintenance on the systems used for user authentication, which will result in user-visible changes to the platform. These changes will be deployed between early July and the end of August. User credentials (API keys and passwords) will continue to work without disruption. Important! Most of these changes are not expected to require user-facing downtime, but a brief outage in the functionality that links Planet and Sentinel Hub accounts will be required.User-visible ChangesThe user-visible changes include the following: User authentication services will be migrating from account.planet.com to login.planet.com Deep links into account.planet.com will not be maintained.  Please bookmark www.planet.com as the platform homepage and use the login link on this page. The format of the login prompts will be changing. The format of authentication emails (password reset, etc.) will change. Users who have not logged in within the last several years must perform a “forgotten password” password reset. The user must opt into this from the login screen, which is not automatic.Additionally, new user account security features will be enabled to protect accounts from brute-force attacks.What to ExpectUsers may experience additional authentication prompts during this maintenance period as systems gradually migrate on the back end. Depending on the user’s activity and status vis-a-vis the underlying platform maintenance work, users may experience new and old authentication services. This is to be expected and does not indicate a problem with the service.Thank you for your patience as we perform this system maintenance. These changes have prepared our internals better to serve future security needs, including enhanced user account attack detection/protection features, end-user multi-factor authentication, OAuth2 authentication for API access, and enterprise user federation. Note: None of these features are part of this migration, but this migration prepares engineering infrastructure for future work in these areas.

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✨New: Features Manager for Uploading and Managing an Area of Interest (AOI)

Features Manager is a new application that helps you upload and manage areas of Interest (AOIs) on the Planet Insights Platform. The application is built on Planet APIs, including the Features API. Features Manager is designed to help you manage your AOIs on the Planet Insights Platform so that you can use them as references in downstream applications, such as requesting data through the Orders and Subscription APIs. As a Planetary Variable user, Features Manager also provides a special view into quota management, enabling you to determine how much quota you have used for your AOIs. Features Manager CapabilitiesUpload and save AOI Features  Validate and simplify AOI Features  Organize Features in Feature Collections and add metadata  Share Feature Collections with your organization Copy Feature Reference IDs to use in downstream APIs like Subscriptions  For Planetary Variable customers, preview PV quota for your AOIFeatures Manager & Planetary Variables Quota To access Planetary Variables for your AOIs, upload your AOIs using Features Manager or Features API. Once uploaded, ask your Planet support manager to “reserve” the PV quota for your Feature Collection. Upload your AOIs using Features Manager or API.  To share Feature Collection(s) with your support manager, click the More menu on your collection and click copy link. Email your support manager a link to your Feature Collection and specify which Planetary Variable you want to access for those AOIs.Once your quota is reserved and data is created in those areas, your support manager will let you know that you can start requesting PV data through the Subscriptions API. Additional Resources Please take a look at the Features Documentation for more about this release. 

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✨ New: Introducing Advanced Security Features for Your Collections

Planet is excited to announce the implementation of an advanced security feature for your collections. This enhancement guarantees that your data remains safe and secure.What’s New Default ProtectionFrom now on, all newly created collections will be protected by default. Your new collections are automatically limited only to your user account, even if you share your collection ID with others.Note: The existing collections and configurations with these collections remain the same.Protect Your Existing CollectionsNow, you can manage how your existing collections are shared! To protect them, open your Dashboard and click My Collections. Click the icon with an unlocked lock to enable this feature. Note: Once you enable this feature, any users with whom you have previously shared your collection ID will lose access.Selective SharingPlanet is introducing the option to share your protected collections with specific users. By specifying a list of users with their account IDs, you have complete control over who can access your collections.Important ReminderOnce you have protected a collection, it cannot be changed back to unprotected by you. Only Sentinel Hub Support has the authority to change this setting. If you ever want to make a protected collection unprotected again, contact support@planet.com, and we’ll be happy to assist you. Need Help or More Information?Check out our Protected Collections documentation for more details about our advanced security features.If you have any questions or need assistance with this new feature, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at support@planet.com.

✨ New: Flexible and Assured Tasking Capture Review Terms of Service Enforcement ✨

If you disagree with the quality evaluation for a tasking order, the Tasking Dashboard allows you to request an additional review (according to the respective Flexible or Assured Tasking Terms of Service) of the capture within two weeks from the capture publication date. Considerations for Additional ReviewApplied to Input Area - The rules are applied to the user’s input area, which could be as small as 25 square kilometers or as large as the full collection. Less than your contracted Cloud Cover Threshold - Collections must be less than or equal to (<=) the contracted cloud cover threshold. This does not include haze and shadows. Exceptions include Assured tasks. Scene Alignment - We do not guarantee scene alignment where we cannot create tie points for rectification. For example, significant clouds or the scene has <= 10% land intersection. We should be able to align where haze is present. UDM2.1 as a Starting Point - If you believe UDM2.1 has mislabeled your collection, please dispute and we will review it. For example, if UDM2.1 mislabels clouds as haze.Planet might re-task or re-process the image if our quality commitments are not met. We will assess if your collection is a good candidate for reprocessing. Other outcomes include declining the request, quota adjustment, or refund.For More InformationPlease review our Terms of Service Enforcement Rules Refer to the Flexible and Assured Tasking Capture Review Terms of Service Enforcement knowledge base article

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✨ New Planet Features API Beta Release ✨

Planet Features API (Beta) Planet recently released its Features API (Beta). The Features API is a great way to improve the efficiency of your data discovery and delivery workflows by enabling you to store your Areas of Interest (AOIs) once and reference them, as needed, across the platform. Planet discovery and delivery APIs that now support saved Feature references include:Orders API  Subscriptions API  Data API The Features API also includes endpoints for validating and simplifying your AOIs so that they meet the Planet geometry rules (such as max 1500 vertex limit) before saving them. After a Feature is saved, it can be accessed as an OGC-compliant Features API.API docs for the Planet Features API can be found in the Planet Features API documentation. Example Features API workflow Note: For more detailed workflow examples, refer the Planet Jupyter Notebook.  To create a Feature Collection make a POST to the Collection endpoint and include a Collection name and description.  POST to https://api.planet.com/features/v0/ogc/my/collections To validate that your Features (AOIs) meet the Planet geometry requirements, make a POST request to the /validate endpoint. The API response provides more details if your Feature does not meet the geometry rules.  POST https://api.planet.com/features/v0/ogc/my/collections/validate To add Features (AOIs) to your Feature Collection, make a POST to the items endpoint. You can include Title, ID, and Description properties.  POST https://api.planet.com/features/v0/ogc/my/collections/:collectionID/items  To share a Feature Collection so that other users in your Organization can find and access the AOI Features, make a POST request to the permission endpoint: POST https://api.planet.com/features/features/v0/ogc/my/collections/:collectionID/permission  After a Feature is saved, you can reference it in the Planet delivery APIs. For example, make a POST request to the Orders API to deliver data where you need it.  POST https://api.planet.com/compute/ops/orders/v2 Feature Reference: A reference (URL, ID) to a specific Feature.Learning ResourcesFor information on working with Planet APIs, see Get Started with Planet APIs.Note: The Planet Features API is currently in Public Beta and future releases may not be backwards compatible. Following the General Availability (GA) release of the API, we will provide support for a duration of six months.FeedbackHave feedback? Please let us know using the Planet Features API Beta Feedback form.

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✨ Update to Planet Basemaps ✨

Planet implemented an improved normalization approach for surface reflectance basemaps that use Sentinel-2 as a normalization target.Why is this important?PlanetScope imagery is collected using a constellation of different satellites—including different satellite generations—that have different relative spectral responses (RSRs). The different RSRs are due to the different sensors, and the variability in PS surface reflectance (SR) data. SR correction for PS data relies on MODIS estimates of the atmospheric optical thickness, which is collected at a different time of day and at a coarser spatial resolution when compared with PS imagery. This leads to significant variability in PS SR data even for images that have the same RSR. For example, same satellite generation and sensor. Therefore, we apply normalization to correct for the variability of SR data leading to more consistent time series.What did we change?We processed the entire Sentinel-2 imagery catalog between 2017 and 2023 using the Framework for Operational Radiometric Correction for Environmental monitoring (FORCE) method then created monthly-cadence, multi-year composites by estimating the 30th percentile for each pixel location using only cloud-free data. How does this improve the product?Sentinel-2 normalized basemaps will have better correlation to FORCE making them more consistent and accurate for time series use.  The improvements were intentionally made to be fully backwards compatible with our current normalization models so existing customer and archive data is still 100% valid and usable.Are there any possible impacts?The new approach works best when there are a high number of observations to build the model. In areas where observations are limited due to clouds or other conditions, the algorithm may produce inaccurate results that manifest as artifacts in the final product. Examples of this are shown in the technical datasheet. If you notice this or any other artifacts please file a ticket and the customer support team will address the issue. This is not expected to be widespread so there is minimal risk of impact.For additional information, refer to the Surface Reflectance Basemaps Technical Datasheet.

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✨ Tasking Dashboard and API Updates ✨

This update will simplify how quality issues are managed and also how quality information is presented in the Tasking Dashboard.In preparation for this change, we will also simplify how we surface quality information in the dashboard.These improvements are part of a broader initiative to make Planet quality processes faster, more accurate, and easier to interact with - more to come in the next months!What's New? New Evaluation field API Tasking DashboardThe Evaluation field replaces the Assessment field, which is deprecated and will not reflect future improvements to our quality processes.Rejecting a capture in the Tasking DashboardIf you disagree with the quality evaluation for an order, the Tasking Dashboard allows you to request an additional review of the capture within two weeks from the capture publication date.The Assessment feature replaces the current manual process and you no longer have to contact your Planet representative.Please provide as much information as possible in your request to expedite the process.The process of the capture review is visible in the dashboard in the capture detail view and in the order history.The Planet team reviews your request and might re-task or re-process the image if our quality commitments are not met. Email notifications will be sent to the order creator once a decision is made. Your Planet representative may also reach out for more information about this issue.

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