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Features Manager Overview

Planet Features Manager is a set of UI-tools that help Planet customers upload, save, and manage their areas of interest (AOIs) or “Features” for use on the Planet Insights Platform. 

Saving an AOI to the Planet Insights platform can improve the efficiency and reliability of data discovery & delivery workflows by enabling users to save their AOIs once and reference them, as needed, across the platform.


What’s new

  • Features Manager no longer has a 5k Feature upload limit 
  • After uploading Features, users now are prompted to review their uploads before they can be saved to a Feature Collection 
  • Support for saving additional metadata properties 
  • Asynchronous uploads


Upload Features with Asynchronous Uploads 


Supported File Types 

  • GeoJSON, Shapefile, KML, KMZ, GeoPackage 

How to Upload Features

  1. Upload your files by dragging and dropping them onto the map view in Features Manager 
  2. You should see a confirmation message like the one below. Close this view and navigate to the File Uploads panel using the icon in the bottom left navigation. 




  1. In the file uploads panel you should see the file you uploaded in the “uploaded” or “to review” tabs. If it’s in “to review” it likely means our system found geometry-related errors in your files and is requesting your review to fix them. 




  1. If your upload requires review, select “complete import” from the uploads panel to open the review modal. In the modal you have the option to manually approve/reject alternative geometry options that will fix upload errors, or you can select “accept all” to approve all alternative suggestions at once. 




  1. Next you’ll be prompted to map and select properties to save with your uploaded file(s). Feature identifier, title, and description properties are required and you have the option to map properties in your files to these standard property fields. Additionally, you can select to import more properties if helpful. 




  1. Once you’ve reviewed geometry errors and mapped metadata properties, your dataset should upload and be accessible under the “uploaded” tab in the File Uploads panel. From here you can view your data, copy feature references, open AOIs in Explorer, and manage quota (for applicable datasets). 



For more information on Features Manager, check out the Planet University course: Intro to Features Manager

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