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Hello, I am working with Sentinel-1 time series. Is it possible to create a WMTS link for several dates via the configuration utility ? or using another approach ?

Hello, I am sure what you are trying to do is possible. Can you explain in a little more detail what you are trying to do? Do you want a WMTS link for each individual date or are you trying to create a composite of several dates?

In our documentation we have an example of a WMTS request that I’m sure you’re familiar with and much more about the parameters can be found here.

Once I know more, we can work together to find the best approach 🙂

Hello William,

The idea would be to have a single WMTS link with several layers in it. I know it is possible because we use some WMTS links like that (not generated by Sentinel Hub). For a given area of interest, each layer corresponds to a satellite image at a given date.

Hi @geos-te,

You can configure the WMTS layers to represent specific time periods. I suggest you check how this is done in the “IACS template”:

  • Create new instance, using the template

  • Check the relevant layers’ configurations

Thank you @gmilcinski, it is getting close to what we need.

Is there a way to automate the creation of these layers to have one per Sentinel-1 date or one per sentinel-1 image ? We typically want to scan all the available Sentinel-1 images available in a given AOI, leading to more than 2000 acquisitions/layers.

In that case it would be much better to simply configure one layer and use TIME parameter, which works in OGC WMTS.

You can automate it in the following way:

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