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WMS page


The Sentinel Hub Web Map Service conforms to the WMS standard. It provides access to Sentinel-2's 13 unprocessed bands and processed products such as true color imagery and NDVI.

said BBOX is a required parameter, so the following request is correct when I try to have clipped imagery according to the specified polygon axis.


However, the imagery response is also available without BBOX parameter as following.


Then I found out there are tiny shape difference between them. What is this difference? Which one should we request for this purpose? If BBOX is not necessary, that would be convenient .

There are three options:

  1. BBOX only - you will get data over the chosen BBOX

  2. GEOMETRY only - you will get data over the chosen geometry, clipped to this specific geometry.

  3. BBOX + GEOMETRY - you will get data over an intersection between BBOX and GEOMETRY, clipped to the GEOMETRY.

Then it depends on the use-case.

Thank you.

It made everything clear!

I have a question, using SentinelHubRequest is possible get the image with a specific polygon? I currently acquire a image with bounding box, but I’m interested in multiple polygon in the same image

Sure it is. Check this API request example.

I am assuming you are using sh-py? If so, this example might help. It is for Statistical API, but you can do the same using process API

I using a python API with SentinelHubRequest. In documentation here, in the parameters are bbox and geometry, but in examples don’t use geometry in any cases.


You can find an example with the geometry parameter in this integration test.

As you can see, you first need a shapely object that can be either Polygon or MultiPolygon (in case you want multiple polygons on 1 image). Then you use it together with CRS to initialize Geometry object and pass it to SentinelHubRequest.
