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WMS page


The Sentinel Hub Web Map Service conforms to the WMS standard. It provides access to Sentinel-2's 13 unprocessed bands and processed products such as true color imagery and NDVI.

said BBOX is a required parameter, so the following request is correct when I try to have clipped imagery according to the specified polygon axis.


However, the imagery response is also available without BBOX parameter as following.


Then I found out there are tiny shape difference between them. What is this difference? Which one should we request for this purpose? If BBOX is not necessary, that would be convenient .

There are three options:

  1. BBOX only - you will get data over the chosen BBOX

  2. GEOMETRY only - you will get data over the chosen geometry, clipped to this specific geometry.

  3. BBOX + GEOMETRY - you will get data over an intersection between BBOX and GEOMETRY, clipped to the GEOMETRY.

Then it depends on the use-case.

Thank you.

It made everything clear!

I have a question, using SentinelHubRequest is possible get the image with a specific polygon? I currently acquire a image with bounding box, but I’m interested in multiple polygon in the same image

Sure it is. Check this API request example.

I am assuming you are using sh-py? If so, this example might help. It is for Statistical API, but you can do the same using process API

I using a python API with SentinelHubRequest. In documentation here, in the parameters are bbox and geometry, but in examples don’t use geometry in any cases.

Hi @santiagoperaza,

You can find an example with the geometry parameter in this integration test.

As you can see, you first need a shapely object that can be either Polygon or MultiPolygon (in case you want multiple polygons on 1 image). Then you use it together with CRS to initialize Geometry object and pass it to SentinelHubRequest.
