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I am trying to access sentinel-1 images for an area in the USA for year 2022 (IW , GRD).My goal is to get median for the year.

I have checked on EO browser and I have realized there that there are no images for the whole year for this polygon.

But then my friend checked Copernicus dataspace and found that there are images for this polygon for the year.

At the beginning I thought that the difference in the result is due to different operational modes (IW vs SM in this case) , but then I have realized that some images that are SM and they do have the “VV” and “VH” bands, but mostly have HH and HV bands, and also, I read that SM images are more available for little islands and/or for emergency management..

I got confused from this information, because from the map it seems like this area of the US suppose to have only VV or VV-VH . and not HH or HH-HV bands, and also, that it suppose to have only the IW mode.

So, my question is, how can I explain this difference? how the SM images have the VV-VH bands? and why do we actually have SM for this area? (and maybe I’m wrong and there is actually IW-GRD images for my polygon for 2022?)

MultiPolygon (((-88.29961354033294185 41.25489446857798725, -88.30519111960396117 41.25542406188155553, -88.31027796483985526 41.25722387563753557, -88.31437600323535264 41.26011758859507239, -88.31708397990945514 41.26382174367341094, -88.31813674633171729 41.26797354910632976, -88.31815957633169489 41.26852218265347005, -88.31820066835364003 41.26950977762962225, -88.31749556474105134 41.2737014285679038, -88.31510214675867587 41.27752397412103846, -88.31125463326871738 41.28060343603922888, -88.30632954029903203 41.28263858179078483, -88.30080883534546388 41.28343035634715363, -88.29699198534547122 41.2835207276650209, -88.29141441818423175 41.28299136582409545, -88.28632758123546864 41.28119227099883659, -88.282229544254605 41.27829950427688743, -88.27952156018086782 41.27459618403239716, -88.27846877707753492 41.2704448115942526, -88.27845507707752404 41.27011563372286673, -88.27842768799273188 41.26945681916288322, -88.27840488418114262 41.26890786034808656, -88.27911022217875825 41.26471606111254431, -88.28150374577462856 41.2608929535919131972, -88.28535124084459085 41.25781273580505371, -88.2902762173932274 41.25577693943128565, -88.29579675033295416 41.25498487725837293, -88.29961354033294185 41.25489446857798725)))

Thank you 🙂

Hi Reut,

Indeed you are correct that there is no Sentinel-1 GRD imagery available for your AOI via Sentinel Hub services. This is due to the mode that the sensor was using; Strip Mode (SM) is not supported by Sentinel Hub services. Our data collections only include IW and EW acquisition modes.

Hope this answers your question 🙂

Thank you for your answer! 🙂

Do you know how come there are SM images with band HH and HV for this area?
