I have an instance configured in the SentinelHub dashboard for requesting Sentinel-2 bands, each layer is one band. I request these as TIFF files using the WcsRequest object in the sentinelhub-py Python package. I have used it for various regions and it has always previously returned TIFF files containing a single band, where the values are the reflectance values.
Here is an example request:
req = WcsRequest(
bbox=BBox(bbox=[73.187, 34.390, 73.208, 34.415], crs=CRS.WGS84),
Here is the corresponding URL that the request is being made to, according to the file written by the Python package (when I use version 3 of the Python package):
(I have replaced my instance ID with “INSTANCE_ID”.)
However, I just tried to download an image for a different region, and the TIFF files for this region each contain 3 bands instead of 1. The parameters I’m passing to the WcsRequest are exactly the same except for the bounding box (the new bounding box is BBox(bbox=(-78.2, 35.4, -77.7, 35.9], crs=CRS.WGS84)
), and the URL parameters that it produces are exactly the same except for the bounding box and the image timestamp.
This difference in the TIFF file format happens when I use sentinelhub-py version 3.0.0 as well as when I use version 2.6.1.
What might be causing this?