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Hello all,

I want to ask about the sentinel-hub notification service, I cant really find much info about it. Can anyone please give information about the following:

  • is it free or in a pricing version?

  • how does it really work and how one uses it?

Thank you in advance!

There is no notification service available so far, so not sure what you are referring to.



Thank you for the reply.

I’m refering to the notification service that’s shown here in the 2nd page, in the main features of the system.

It’s also mentioned here-> Sentinel Hub at the EO Cloud — Free Accounts for R&D Projects | by Sinergise | Sentinel Hub Blog | Medium in “Sentinel hub Services” section

  • <Notification service] — get informed when new data arrives

Still, at the end of the day if there’s really not a notification service, do you recommend any other way to make such a service? With leaflet or another technology?

Thank you

Ah, I see. These are old posts (and brochures) and this service is no longer available, for several years, as there was not much interest for it.

We do not have any push-like service available, but you can probably create a simple scripts, which you run every hour or so and check our Catalogue for new data at specific location:

Catalog API

Catalog API implements STAC Specification to describe geospatial information about Sentinel Hub data.
