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Sentinel-1 GRD data have been added to Open Public Dataset at AWS. Data from 1st of May 2017 are available, regularly synced with OpenHub. Current plan is to keep a rolling archive of one year of data.

It seems that Sentinel-1 data on AWS S3 has not been set to proper permission since the list object function is not allowed for common AWS license.

I tried use aws cli to download the data.

here is the results.

aws s3 cp s3://sentinel-s1-l1c/GRD/2018/1/11/EW/DH/S1A_EW_GRDH_1SDH_20180111T110409_20180111T110513_020106_02247C_FBAB/ . --recursive
fatal error: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjects operation: Access Denied

However, the Sentinel-2 data are totally fine to me.

Hi there, Sentinel-1 are in Requester Pays bucket, which means if the data is egressed outside of AWS, the requester agree to pay that cost. If it’s accessed within the same region on AWS, there is no egress fee.

You’ll just need to add the request-payer flag, so it’ll look like (note this object may not exist on the bucket)

aws s3 cp s3://sentinel-s1-l1c/GRD/2018/1/11/EW/DH/S1A_EW_GRDH_1SDH_20180111T110409_20180111T110513_020106_02247C_FBAB/ . --region eu-central-1 --request-payer requester

Same goes for a command like aws s3 ls --requester-payer requester.

Note that Sentinel-2 L1C are currently not in the same type of the bucket (probably planned to change in the next couple of months as egress costs are getting too high), which is why you notice different behavior.

Thanks a lot.

It is quite important to mention that Sentinel-2 data are going to move to requester payer as well as sentinel-1.

Thanks again!
