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It seems like all the returned .tiff files use uint8 dtype from yesterday no matter what image_format are set.

It works well before, but suddenly all the returns becomes uint8 type for unknown reasons.

The CloudMaskRequest also raise error “Parameter ‘all_bands’ is set to False. Therefore expected band data with 10 bands, got 9 bands”


your observations are correct, this is a consequence of transition to evlascript V3.

To get FLOAT32 you need to add sampleType: “FLOAT32” to your evalscript. Find more details here:

If you have any troubles with this or more questions, I would be happy to help you out. Just post more details here.

I am using FLOAT32 in evalscript V3 but still getting this error as follows:



The enum MimeType.TIFF_d32f from sentinelhub package was also removed 2 years ago and instead MimeType.TIFF should be used.

Thank your for your response, your answer has solved my problem.
