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I’ve noticed that tiles for the same day may be different from L1C and L2A and even have different coverage.

I only stumbled upon one such tile, stored under the bucket key “tiles/33/X/XB/2018/9/13/0”, but there may be many more, so I decided to give a heads up.

In L1C its product is listed as “S2B_MSIL1C_20180913T105019_N0206_R051_T33XXB_20180913T125630”, while in L2A - “S2A_MSIL2A_20180913T113651_N0208_R123_T33XXB_20180913T141441” - products taken at different time by different sensors!

I decided to check if there is another tile stored for that date, and yup, there is a tile by the bucket key “tiles/33/X/XB/2018/9/13/1”, for which the situation is vice versa, so L1C’s “0” is “1” in L2A, and “1” is “0”.

So I wonder if there isn’t supposed to be exact correspondence in terms of tiles mapping between L1C and L2A buckets, or if it’s indeed a bug?

There is no exact mapping between L1C and L2A in terms of the pats. You should compare product identifiers.

The index (/0, /1,/2,…) is assigned based on order of how scenes are ingested. First scene from specific tile ingested on specific date gets /0 and so on.
