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We would love to include a satellite image of the UK during the current heatwave in Science+Nature magazine as part of an article about the effects of global warming.

This is the image we hope to use -

The Scarred Landscape of the Climate Crisis – James Cheshire

I have created an account and am trying to download a high resolution satellite image of the UK but it does not seem to be working. Can you help at all?

The usage will be editorial (not commercial) in print as part of a monthly children’s magazine.

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for reaching out to us. For citing imagery sourced from Sentinel Hub you can refer to here. Images from the Sentinel Copernicus program are non-commercial so it is no problem to share them 🙂

As for accessing the satellite image that you require, we are aware of some issues with accessing and visualising the image currently and looking to fix this. I can only apologise for the inconvenience.

Best, William

Thank you William! I will try to access images again next week and the glitch may be sorted!

Hi Lisa, this should be working correctly now, so you should be able to obtain your image. If you need any assistance then please let us know, happy to help. In addition, there’s some additional citations for Sentinel imagery you will need to add, you can find the info for this here.

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