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I’ve downloaded the Examples of Third Party Data Import postman collection and I was trying to run the Order using query request from PlanetScope without changing anything from the provided request body and after ensuring that I’ve a valid access token but unfortunately I get a forbidden error shown below:

"error": {
"status": 403,
"reason": "Forbidden",
"message": "You do not have sufficient permission for this action. Please contact support.",

Please advice how can I fix this issue and whether there is any other approach that I can try to see sample output for the order using query from PlanetScope


The postman collection has been deprecated since July 2022 as mentioned in the documentation.

You could copy the PlanetScope True Color request and parse it to the Request Preview window of Requests Builder (must be logged in) to have a quick look at the sample product. You can also browse sample PlanetScope scenes in Planet’s gallery.
