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I am using sentinelhub python package to download and view the images, It was running fine till yesterday. Today i am seeing this error


400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:

{“status”: 400, “reason”: “Bad Request”, “message”: “Invalid request”, “code”: “COMMON_BAD_PAYLOAD”, “errors”: O{“parameter”: “input->bounds->geometry”, “invalidValue”: {“type”: “MultiPolygon” …}

violation": “Polygon rings are intersecting”, “description”: “The request area of interest geometry. This and/or BBOX must be specified. Coordinates need to be in easting,northing or longitude,latitude, in that order in the CRS defined in the “” parameter. A GeoJsonObject.”


has anything changed overnight?


The error message indicates that your input geometry is invalid as its rings are intersecting. Please check your input geometry again and make sure that it is valid.

not sure why, but when I am using these in sentinel EO Browser it does error out with: ““Error: There was a problem parsing input geometry”” was using the same coordinate string all this time and never saw this error.

so my question would be, has anything changed in the package at all recently as i am seeing issues in the sentinel EO browser now?



We did make changes on the constraints, but everything that worked before should still work. Would you mind providing us the geometry you’re using so we can investigate the issue? Thank you.

Hi: I can’t share the geometry here. Now it makes sense that the constrainst was added wrt “Polygon rings are intersection”. Is there a way to detect and correct it now? Well I have tried few things which haven’t worked. Let me know if you have a way to fix it. I will post the fix if I found one.



The geometry is an edge case that should be considered a valid geometry. We’ll add a fix to it.
Thank you for reporting the issue.
