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Planet Explore 2023 

The Explore 2023 Conference in Washington, D.C. is on April 12-13. Join Earth observation leaders and your peers at this two-day event for inspiration, education, and connection! Follow the Planet Explore 2023 Community forum for updates and live streams from the event! 


AMA (Ask Me Anything) Series

Join us on when Tara O’Shea, Planet’s Senior Global Director of Forests & Land Use, will answer your questions. Tara oversees the company's strategy for leveraging its unprecedented earth observation capacity to help improve the world's ability to monitor global forests today - and account for the value of forests in the global economy tomorrow. Post your questions in AMA Community Group to get them asked live. Join the group and stay tuned for the next sessions! If you missed our first AMA with Mike Merit, Chief Customer Officer at Planet, you can watch the highlights on YouTube: Planet Community AMA with Mike Merit


Planet University

New courses are available on Planet University

Orbital Bloom, our newly designed course, is available to the public and contains the Planet imagery needed to complete it. It’s a self-contained exercise that demonstrates how to use Planet Imagery in ArcGIS Pro. Perfect for new users or for teachers who want to introduce Planet imagery to their classes. 

We've revamped our Introduction to Planetscope course and made it more informative, interactive, and fun! Our Planetscope satellites are the powerhouse of our imagery so be sure to check out the course!


Post of the Month 

Planet Community celebrated Women’s History Month in March! See our International Women's Day Spotlight post celebrating Dr. Flavia De Souza Mendes.



Have ideas of how we can help you better? Submit them in the Planet Product Ideas Community. This is the official avenue to share ideas for product improvements, new feature requests, and even bug fixes with Planet. We look forward to hearing from you! 



The NICFI Satellite Data Program, an initiative with over 18,000 users, provides comprehensive access to high resolution satellite data across tropical forest regions. The program is extended and will continue until September, 2024! The program’s quarterly reports are now publicly available for anyone to read. Visit the NICFI Satellite Data Program Resources to access the reports as well as learn more about its users, impact, and more. Visit the NICFI Satellite Data Program Planet Community Forum to ask any questions or discuss! 


Planet Help Center 

Do you need additional help? Check out the Planet Support page for access to the Planet Knowledge Base, Community, Developer Resource Center, and Support.



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