
How do clipped raster downloads affect monthly download quota?

  • 9 January 2023
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hello, everyone! I am downloading raster images clipped to a small aoi. It appears that my quota allocation is still counting the entire scene’s coverage area towards my monthly download quota, however. From my calculations, I have downloaded maybe a total of 10km^, but my monthly total is showing more like 2400 km^2. Can someone clarify whether downloading clipped rasters should only count the clipped area or if they count the entire scene from  which they are clipped when allocating towards the monthly download. 

I am downloading using the process of placing an order based upon a list of feature id’s and my clip aoi, then downloading the order once it is completed using the python Planet library (via’s download methods).


Any info will be much appreciated.




Best answer by elyhienrich 9 January 2023, 21:47

View original

5 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hello @Phillip Lanza , 

Based on the information in this post, we believe support will be able to help you with this. We have created a support ticket on your behalf and have copied the email you have used in your Community account. 

Userlevel 2
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Thanks, I appreciate your help!



Userlevel 7
Badge +15

To other users facing this same issue: 

This support article may be helpful. 

We will leave this post open for other users to comment.

Badge +2

Hi all,

I’m having somehow the same issue. My problem is to understand exactly when km2 of downloaded scenes are calculated.

For what I can see (my educated guessing), the km2 are calculated no matter is the image is really downloaded and if this is true it’s a bit unfair above all when someone is trying to learn via the python examples how to search and downloaded the images.

Currently I have downloaded only 1 image on 24-01-2023 following the search_and_download_quickstart.ipynb and planet_data_api_introduction.ipynb  notebooks when I realized that the image wasn’t clipped - it was my assumption by the fact I was selecting an aoi.
From the dashboard is see the link is still active and I don’t know how to kill it. Yesterday the quota was 12% and this morning is 70%. Definitely something odd, from my prospective.

By digging more in the documentation I have learned that using order approach is the way to download a clipped image and in the last 3 days I used the notebooks under analysis-ready-data to understand how the whole process works (i don’t do cut&paste). I have “opened” 3 connections, last one was last night, when I could pass correctly all the information but I didn’t download any image (if you have logs you can verify it) and I have tried to kill those connections for the reason that i don’t like to have open connections that I don’t know what they really do but it didn’t work and the connections are still in “success”

My question is: How and above all when km2 are calculated? before downloading the image or when the image is really downloaded. I’m working on my thesis and I have “burned” a monthly quota just by understanding how the search&download process works. 
I can’t believe that the only image I have downloaded worth 70% of the quota, above all when yesterday it was 12% ( more reasonable).
My asking is:  is it possible to reset my quota and improve both the documentation and the notebooks explaining how and when the km2 of downloaded scene(s) are calculated?



Userlevel 2
Badge +2

From what I recall, each download accounts for a minimum of 100 km^2 area towards your quota. A way that I found to me more efficient with my quota usage was to specify a multipolygon aoi when defining my clip area. This causes the server clipmultiple small aoi’s together and count their total area (so that you don’t get -100km^2 each small area for n areas). This let me pull down however many aoi’s at once, clipped. I then had to separate them out into individual areas after downloading. 


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