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I have tried png image download with some pairs of bbox & crs by process API. In case of EPSG 4326, downloaded png has always its properties as follows.

  • Dimensions 1 x 1

  • Width 1 pixels

  • Hight 1 pixels

  • Size 69 bytes

    Nothing changes if I make bbox larger. How can I solve this problem and get expected bbox image designated in evalscript?

Here is sample case of evalscript settings

bbox = [69.1852, 24.5448, 69.1940, 24.5510]

crs = “

input = {

“bounds”: {

“bbox”: bbox,

“properties”: {

“crs”: crs



“data”: b{

“type”: “S2L2A”,

“dataFilter”: {

“timeRange”: {

“from”: “2021-03-01T00:00:00Z”,

“to”: “2021-03-10T23:59:59Z”



“processing”: {

“upsampling”: “BICUBIC”




output = {

“resx”: 10,

“resy”: 10,

“responses”: <{

“identifier”: “TRUE”,

“format”: {

“type”: “image/png”





Since the unit of resx and resy is based on the coordinate reference system, you’re setting 10 degree as your resolution which is way too big for your bounding box. That’s why you’re getting dimensions in 1 by 1 pixels.

I hope this would help 🙂

Kind regards

Many thanks for your help.
Finally I got large size of images when setting resx/resy to very small value like 0.0000X.
