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What is a deployment'? Technical explanation'

  • 26 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi! I’m a student getting into satellite imagery for my thesis.

Here ( I read that… " Sentinel Hub API is available in several deployments."

What is exactly a “deployment”? Is it a set of satellites available in a certain region? Or is it much more?

How would you define it in a technical way?

I know this could sound more like a lexical question, but I need to understand it better to explain it in the best way possible in my essay.

Thanks a lot for your help.

4 replies

In this case the term is used for “software deployment”. I.e. we have our system installed on various clouds (AWS eu-central-1, AWS us-west-2, CreoDIAS, Mundi Web Services), each of the installations providing access to the satellite data stored there.


Thanks a lot. Very clear explanation.

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The explanation helps some, but I’m still not sure how to select among deployments? I don’t know what CREO is and I’ve tried to find some resource about it. Should deployments be selected based on where I am located, my area of interest, or the collection I want to use?

For example, if I want Sentinel 2 L2A, for North Carolina, U.S.A., and I’m located in North Carolina, which deployment should I use?

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Now I’ve found the answer. Of course after I ask. lol

It is here: 

