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My dog was stolen 8 months ago. We have tried everything to get her back but we just don’t know where she is or who took her (we have tried dash-cams, Ring doorbells, CCTV but no luck). We are exhausted and heartbroken. I had the idea that if we could look at satellite images for the location, date and time that she went missing, we may see something that will give us a clue to what happened on that day. I have tried Google Earth Pro but it doesn’t show me the date I want. I am trying Sentinel Hub but I’m finding it hard to understand. Can anyone tell me if I will be able to find what I’m looking for on Sentinel Hub if I persevere? I’m grateful for any suggestions or help. Thank you.


We are very sorry to hear that your dog has gone missing, and understand how heart-breaking this situation is.

The freely available satellite data served by Sentinel Hub are designed to monitor large-scale activities/processes on the Earth’s surface such as agriculture, biodiversity changes, climate and many more… The satellites used for these purposes do not have a high-enough resolution (not sharp enough) to see individuals, cars etc… Here is an example of the highest-resolution open images we offer over a city:

We do also offer access to high-resolution commercial satellite imagery (at a cost), but you have to be aware that satellites don’t acquire images everyday, sometimes the images are hindered by clouds. Furthermore, when you do get an acquisition it is a a very specific point in time, which may not correspond to your time-frame. I don’t think that high-resolution images would provide you with valuable information.

I really hope you find some leads from other sources of information!

I am so sorry that your dog is still missing. I know how hard it is to lose your beloved friend because I had a similar experience a few years ago.
