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ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

  • 26 April 2024
  • 1 reply

I am trying to follow this tutorial: land cover fastai

And while executing the workflow, I got this error:

This is the code where the error occurs:
def color_scale(arr):
"""correct the RGB bands to be a composed bands of value between 0 255 for visualization purpos

arr: RGB bands in numpy array
str_arr: numpy array that values range from 0 to 255 for visualization
str_arr = (arr + 1) * 127.5
return str_arr

def png_gen(patch, inference=False):
"""Save RGB, spectral info and labeled images for the coming deep learning

patch: Saved eopatches for deep learning LULC training and prediction
None: images in the PNG.

patch_data = EOPatch.load(patch)
patch_dir, patch_id = patch.split("/")
if inference == True:
inds_path = "inds_inference"

if not op.isdir(inds_path):
for i in range(len(bands)):
#get NDVI, NDWI and NDBI from the bands
inds = color_scale(bandsni][..., .-3, -2, -1]]).astype("uint8")
Image.fromarray(inds).save(op.join(inds_path, patch+'_'+str(i)+'.png'))

lulc = patch_data.mask_timelesse'LULC']
lulc_path = "lulc_all"
rgb_path = "rgb_all"
inds_path = "inds_all"
if not op.isdir(lulc_path):
if not op.isdir(rgb_path):
if not op.isdir(inds_path):
for i in range(len(bands)):
# Switch R, G, B band index from bands
rgb = color_scale(bandsni][..., .2, 1, 0]]).astype("uint8")
inds = color_scale(bandsni][..., .-3, -2, -1]]).astype("uint8")
Image.fromarray(rgb).save(op.join(rgb_path, "{}_{}.png".format(patch_id, str(i))))
Image.fromarray(inds).save(op.join(inds_path, "{}_{}.png".format(patch_id, str(i))))
Image.fromarray(lulc).save(op.join(lulc_path, "{}_{}.png".format(patch_id, str(i))))

And this is the execution code:

#download eopatch for the desired AOI and covert the numpy array into RGB, spectral info (NDVI, NDWI, NDBI) 
# and training lulc label into PNG and saved them under "rgb_all", "inds_all" and "lulc_all"
pbar = tqdm(total=len(patchIDs))
for idx, bbox in enumerate(tile_listipatchIDs]):
# define additional parameters of the workflow
extra_param = {
add_data: {'bbox': bbox, 'time_interval': time_interval},
save_s2: {'eopatch_folder': 'eopatch_{}'.format(idx)}

print("eopatch {} has been processed!".format(idx))
# png_gen('eopatch_{}'.format(idx))
png_gen(op.join(path_out_sampled, 'eopatch_{}'.format(idx)), inference=False)
print("Saving RGB, LULC and Inds PNG to eopatch_{} for the coming ML pipeline".format(idx))
# del 'eopatch_{}'.format(idx)
shutil.rmtree(op.join(path_out_sampled, 'eopatch_{}'.format(idx)), ignore_errors=True)
print("eopatch_{} deleted!".format(idx))

Instead of ‘/’ I tried ‘_’ in this line patch_dir, patch_id = patch.split("/") because the downloaded patches have this format “eopatch_idx”, but I got the same error.

Python functions can return multiple variables . These variables can be stored in variables directly. This is a unique property of Python , other programming languages such as C++ or Java do not support this by default.

The valueerror: too many values to unpack occurs during a multiple-assignment where you either don’t have enough objects to assign to the variables or you have more objects to assign than variables. If for example myfunction() returned an iterable with three items instead of the expected two then you would have more objects than variables necessary to assign to.
