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Hi, I am trying to integrate Sen-2 imgh data provided via “Sentinel public image browser” in ArcGIS Pro as WMS but cannot make it work.

For example:

provides access to R10m bands, as for instance:

but I can’t manage to download the .jp2 files or use the XML as WMS?

Any idea?

Kind regards


Two years ago, the AWS bucket was changed to “Requester pays”, so you cannot really download it via HTTP.

You will need to download the data using AWS CLI or similar, and you will need an AWS account.

See more info here:

To all AWS Public Datasets users of S2 L1C data. This thread will be used to communicate changes happening to the S2 bucket. As we expect to gather some feedback from power users in this thread, we might change the approach a bit during the discussion in ongoing. The summarized and harmonized description will be available on this FAQ link.
End of June we will set S2 L1C bucket as “Requester pays” similarly as it is for S2 L2A and S1 GRD. This move is required to allow further increase of the sh…

You can make use of Sentinel Hub WMS API, but note that this is a payable service (there is a 30-days free trial though).


Learn How to Integrate Sentinel Hub into QGIS or ArcGIS.
