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Here is our downloaded files by processing API and its values on response headers, X-ProcessingUnits-Spent. We downloaded these files all separately.

Resolution 10 group

NDVI.png: 0.40

TRUE.png: 0.40

NDVI.tif: 0.81

Resolution 30 group

NDVI.tif: 0.10

BLUE.tif: 0.10

GREEN.tif: 0.10

RED.tif: 0.10

As a result, we could expect the value of X-ProcessingUnits-Spent for tar archived files by resolution group. The expected value of resolution 10 group is 1.61 as total, and the value of resolution 30 group is 0.40 as total. We set these file names for archived download in the evalscript.

However, unexpected results have come when we download tar archived them. This is just a maximum value in the groups.

Resolution 10 group: 0.81

Resolution 30 group: 0.10

How is this result possible to explain under the definition of Processing Unit?

Processing Unit definition

Each request costs a proportional amount of processing unit(s) depending on what data and processing is requested.

Hi @h-ohno,

I think your findings are in line with the definition of Processing Unit. Note that the number of outputs does not raise the consumption of processing units.

I might be misunderstanding you, though. If so, could you point out which part of the PU definition you think is not line with your observations.

Best, Anja

Hi @avrecko,

My misunderstanding is that I have no idea like the number of outputs does not raise the consumption of processing units. Thank you for your correction!
