Can you paste your order here (make sure to remove API keys and similar), so that we can check?
As a side note, i suggest you check the Subscriptionts API, which should make your work much easier (note that the existing APIs have not changed)
Thanks for the lightning-speed response. Here is the order. {“collectionId”:“d7bba748-a3ce-466f-b936-XXX”,“input”:{“provider”:“PLANET”,“planetApiKey”:“XXXX”,“bounds”:{“geometry”:{“type”:“Polygon”,“coordinates”:”148.9615360551319,-33.26582481801974],t148.96110400748182,-33.26482629915431],8148.96119601321902,-33.262736568794274],1148.96185672386093,-33.2592516794049],8148.96397500362843,-33.261117073595784],9148.96405182919602,-33.26118847517431],5148.9637927079723,-33.26330161852213],7148.96342792864516,-33.26529804928541],8148.9632648832229,-33.26588033324828],4148.9631377630118,-33.26603976748579],3148.96280338153406,-33.26600279725297],7148.96188326989056,-33.265880338289534],2148.96161895962746,-33.26584330317553],2148.9615360551319,-33.26582481801974]]]},“properties”:{“crs”:“"}},“data”:c{“dataFilter”:{“timeRange”:{“from”:“2022-01-23T00:00:00.000Z”,“to”:“2022-01-31T23:59:00.000Z”},“maxCloudCoverage”:10},“harmonizeTo”:“PS2”,“itemType”:“PSScene4Band”,“productBundle”:"analytic”}]}}
Sure, will check the subscription API.
I believe there are simply no products (scenes) in this area, this time range and with less than 10% cloud coverage. If you increase cloud coverage to 100, you should get results.
Thank you. But we have been getting images mostly every day until 23 Jan 2022. After polygon modification, we are unable to fetch. Cloud coverage cannot be more than 10 for our project. I will check again after two days. Thank you once again.
As mentioned, the fact that you don’t get the data, has nothing to do with modification of the polygon.
It seems the period of the last week was very cloudy as there are only 4 scenes available (the missing dates are almost certainly a consequence of so much clouds that Planet was not able to georeference the data):
2022-01-30: 29%
2022-01-29: 67%
2022-01-27: 56%
2022-01-32: 30%
Note that the cloud coverage reported here is at the scene level - it might therefore be that your (small) area is fully cloudless.
What might be worth trying:
- instead of analytic you try analytic_udm2
- you fetch all the data available (with “Hectares under management” there is no additional charge anyway)
- you then use UDM2 meta-data to perform AOI-based cloud filtering.
This would probably require a bit more work on your side, so perfect opportunity to switch to Subscriptions
(note that it is not 100% certain the procedure would work in your case, but it might be worth of a try)
Thank you. Please let me know if there is anything that I can rate you for the best support.
Tnx. I will forward this to my boss!