Hi, I’m downloading scene bands from Sentinel Hub using the get_data method of the AwsTileRequest class.
I’m passing “decode_data=False” as an argument to get_data, because I want the original jp2 files.
After the get_data method returns, I try opening the file using
Unfortunately, I’m getting errors that seem to indicate the data is not in the expected format.
Here are the errors I’m getting:
ERROR 1: Expected a SOC marker
ERROR 1: opj_read_header() failed (psImage=0000000000000000)
ERROR 1: Marker is not compliant with its position
ERROR 1: Stream too short, expected SOT
ERROR 1: opj_get_decoded_tile() failed
The code I’m using looks like this:
list_of_data = req.get_data(decode_data=False)
data = list_of_data=0] # I confirmed that data is a DownloadResponse object
with rasterio.open(BytesIO(data.content)) as src:
values = src.read()
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance!