I just installed Sentinel hub today and I want to download some tiles for my country but this is giving me no tiles whatsoever. By the way not sure if my code is properly formatted or not. I did not see an option to format code nor did I see an option to preview what i have written.
import sentinelhub
import pandas as pd
import datetime
tiles = "43TCJ","43TDJ"]
#specify start and end date (here we use May 2017)
dateStart = "2020-09-13"
dateEnd = "2020-09-13"
#create date range
dates = pd.date_range(start=dateStart, end=dateEnd)
#loop over tiles
for tile in tiles:
print("Downloading tile: " + tile)
#loop over dates
for date in dates:
print(str(date.date()) + " ...")
#try if there is a product available for the selected date
sentinelhub.download_safe_format(tile=(tile, str(date.date())), entire_product=True)
except Exception as ex:
template = "No image for the specified tile / date combination could be found."
message = template.format(type(ex).__name__)