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I have a browser based webapp that allows users to jump directly to a location in the EO Browser at specific zoom/date (known to be visited by Sentinel-2).

This allows them to visually assess the utility of Sentinel-2 product without the barriers of knowing about calendar or tiles or having to do a login (anonymously) - to see public data.

I now note that this EO Browser convenience is going away:


If the user persists and clicks Use Anonymously they are met with a second modular block:

where they must click Stay in EO Browser.


My questions are thus:

  • Can Sentinel-2 data be viewed in Copernicus browser anonymously?
  • Can one deep-link to such a location/date/zoom specified view in Copernicus browser?





Hi, thanks for your questions!


So yes, you can view Sentinel-2 data in the Copernicus Browser anonymously, so without logging in. There is no cost to signing up to the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem so I would definitely encourage you to do this!


And secondly, you can still create share links in the Copernicus Browser, you can see how and where in the screenshot below. As you will notice the Copernicus Browser is very similar to EO Browser so you should have no problem getting used to it.



Hi, thanks for your questions!And secondly, you can still create share links in the Copernicus Browser, you can see how and where in the screenshot below. As you will notice the Copernicus Browser is very similar to EO Browser so you should have no problem getting used to it.



Thanks William

I got the direct-linking to work (site now updated)

The only change I really needed to make was to specify &datasetId=S2_L2A_CDAS rather than &datasetId=S2L2A
