Bounding boxes of Sentinel-2 tiling grid are originally in UTM coordinate reference systems. The “correct” transformation of such bounding boxes into WGS 84 are not bounding boxes anymore, they are skewed and slightly rotated shapes. Therefore, any implementation that transforms a bounding box from one CRS into a bounding box in another CRS is only an approximation. So the inaccuracies that you see when you plot bounding boxes in WGS84 are because somewhere in your process such an approximate transformation is used.
The place where this happens might be if you call:
Instead I suggest you call:
This will provide bounding boxes in original UTM CRSs and you should continue working with those directly.
Thanks for your answer sir. So, Is not possibile to convert BBox in EPSG:4326 without having this type of issues ?
config = SHConfig()
if config.instance_id == '':
print("Warning! To use WFS functionality, please configure the `instance_id`.")
finer_tile_splitter = TileSplitter(
time_interval=('2017-11-1', '2020-11-2'),
data_collection= DataCollection.SENTINEL2_L2A,
tile_split_shape =6,
bbox_list = np.array(finer_tile_splitter.get_bbox_list(getCRS.from_epsg('4326')))
info_list = np.array(finer_tile_splitter.get_info_list())
geo = geometry.Polygon(bbox.get_polygon()) for bbox in bbox_list]
idxs_x = infoo"index_x"] for info in info_list]
idxs_y = infoo"index_y"] for info in info_list]
tile_id = from_splitInfoList_to_listOfTilesID(info) for info in info_list]
bbox_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"tile_id":tile_id, "index_x": idxs_x, "index_y": idxs_y}, crs=boundary.crs, geometry=geo)
# Creation of shp file that show selected tiles
shapefile_name = "grid_aoi.shp"
bbox_gdf.to_file(os.path.join(RESULTS_FOLDER, shapefile_name))
Is i understood correctly your answer the problem is in
bbox_list = np.array(finer_tile_splitter.get_bbox_list(getCRS.from_epsg('4326')))
and your solution is to use:
bbox_list = np.array(finer_tile_splitter.get_bbox_list())
but in this way the bbox is in EPSG:32632 projection and i’m not able to translate in EPSG:4326 without distrosion.
You can if you transform them as geometries/polygons instead bounding boxes. Using helper utilities from sentinelhub-py
you can do it like this:
from sentinelhub import Geometry, CRS
bboxes = finer_tile_splitter.get_bbox_list()
utm_geometries = [Geometry(bbox, crs=bbox.crs) for bbox in bboxes]
wgs84_geometries = [geo.transform(CRS.WGS84) for geo in utm_geometries]
shapely_geometries = [geo.geometry for geo in wgs84_geometries]
bbox_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(..., geometry=shapely_geometries)
bboxes = finer_tile_splitter.get_bbox_list()
utm_geometries = Geometry(bbox, crs=bbox.crs) for bbox in bboxes]
wgs84_geometries = geo.transform(CRS.WGS84) for geo in utm_geometries]
shapely_geometries = geo.geometry for geo in wgs84_geometries]
Thank you very much sir !