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I have problems to download 5p analytical raw data, I was able to do it before, now is not working.



Thanks for reporting the problem.

Are you using the latest version (v3.0.12)? You can find the version info in the footer of the main panel.

Hi Jan,

Thanks, shows that is version v3.0.11, how can i use the latest?

Hi Jan,

Now is the latest and its working, thanks

Hi, I have problems to download 5p analytical raw data, I was able to do it before, now is not working (i’m seeing the V3.0.15).

Thank you very much.


Hey Fabian,

We’re not able to replicate the problem, so it would be a great help to us if you would be willing to answer a couple of questions:

  • What browser are you using? Is it mobile or desktop.

  • Are you trying to download using a user instance?

  • What specific product were you trying to download, that didn’t work? (CLOUD_BASE_HEIGHT, SO2, AER_AI_340_380…)

  • Is there an error (such as There was a problem downloading image)? In this case, it would be great if you could press F12 and send us the error which is logged in the console.

I’m sorry for inconvenience.

Hello Jan, thank you very much to answer me. This morning, i entered again to the page (with google chrome) and its working (S5_CH4). Thanks again.

