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Hi !

I would like to know if Statistical API is supposed to use multipart POLYGON geometry. I tried with a real POLYGON, it works but what about multipart POLYGON (not MULTIPOLYGON)?

Because if I have to use real POLYGON for a big agricole area, I have to make a loop through all blocks and it will explode daily request limit (10 000).

This is not possible for the moment, sorry, so you have to make a loop.

Your limit is 1000 per minute, so it should work OK.

I tried a double request, one for ndvi and one for clouds, for 2828 blocks and from first L2A available date to today. The result json only contains 2 or 3 last dates…

My first guess would be that you have a lon/lat order issue as described here:

Can you check if this is the case. If not, please post here some of the requests (mask part of the instance ID).

I’m using WGS84 Pseudo Mercator (EPSG 3857), not WGS84 (EPSG 4326). Is the problem the same?

This one of my two requests:

url_ndvi = '{0}?LAYER={1}&STYLE=INDEX&CRS=EPSG:3857&TIME={2}/{3}&RESOLUTION=10&MAXCC=100&GEOMETRY={4}'.format(instance, layer_ndvi, date1, date2, block_geom)


  • layer_ndvi = NDVI (name of my layer in instance)

  • date1 = 2017-03-01

  • date2 = 2018-12-18

  • block_geom = for example: POLYGON ((-13451714.0402926 4250703.932622137, -13451681.32572064 4250775.961107044, -13451672.74855388 4250802.149914345, -13451601.7601146 4250758.394643527, -13451601.19683797 4250745.787898315, -13451606.06149972 4250738.275084979, -13451616.1225553 4250690.446595318, -13451615.14294378 4250664.590890378, -13451611.6196819 4250649.129818885, -13451605.46037447 4250622.105868792, -13451624.0373711 4250591.246873056, -13451633.55964034 4250584.518993479, -13451655.37937373 4250582.621984207, -13451674.73560679 4250590.255222793, -13451699.26485658 4250592.472739182, -13451711.64581035 4250664.034795471, -13451714.0402926 4250703.932622137))

I tried again, for a shape with 326 blocks, I get only 1150 results or 3,5 dates for a block. I checked and it’s only last dates.

Example of request answer:

{'C0': 0{'date': '2018-12-18', 'basicStats': {'min': 0.189161017537117, 'max': 0.5656565427780151, 'mean': 0.3844637523861067, 'stDev': 0.05799917667988943}}, {'date': '2018-12-16', 'basicStats': {'min': 0.17397882044315338, 'max': 0.5803357362747192, 'mean': 0.3549524728940121, 'stDev': 0.07208269679348431}}, {'date': '2018-12-13', 'basicStats': {'min': 0.1798017919063568, 'max': 0.5343618392944336, 'mean': 0.35772913323243055, 'stDev': 0.057320467032393733}}]}

These coordinates seem to be in United States, is this correct? If so, the response makes sense. L2A data are available globally only since 2018-12-13. Before they were only available in Europe (since March 2017).

Oh yes that’s true, it’s in US. I have misunderstood the availability of L2A data. 😖

L2A is so cool for use Scene classification map, and have more uniform NDVI data over time as you said to me in the other post.

I give my vote for a petition in support of worldwide and over time calculation of L2A product.🙋‍♂️
