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Hi team,

I’m currently working on a project involving SH Statistics API and have encountered some challenges that I’m hoping to find solutions or suggestions for.


Extract a time series of Planet Fusion quality metric , specifically when the QA band is equal to 0, on a tile level.


  • Scale: We have a 3m fusion tile every day and the geometries involved are quite substantial in size. The maximum resolution of my collection is 500m, which does not seem to make much of a difference.


  • Timeout Error: A persistent time_out error occurs during getting the data.

  • Download duration: Even after adjusting SHConfig(max_download_attempts=50) , the download times never succeed.

Alternative being considered:

I’m considering avoiding the client to get a better understanding of the response.


  1. Has anyone experienced similar issues related to timeouts or extended download times with SentinelHub, especially when dealing with large geometries?

  2. Is there an alternative approach to extract time series more optimally without encountering these issues, perhaps batch?

  3. Any insights or suggestions for handling data extraction and management efficiently in this context?

Additional Information

> import geopandas as gpd
> from sentinelhub import (
> CRS,
> DataCollection,
> Geometry,
> SentinelHubStatistical,
> SHConfig,
> )
> from .constants import COLLECTION_ID
> import logging
> logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
> evalscript = """
> function setup() {
> return {
> input: n{
> bands: a
> "QA2",
> "dataMask"
> ]
> }],
> output: t
> {
> id: "data",
> bands: 1
> },
> {
> id: "dataMask",
> bands: 1
> }]
> }
> }
> function evaluatePixel(sample) {
> return {
> data: dsample.QA2 == 0],
> dataMask: Msample.dataMask]
> }
> }
> """
> gdf = gpd.read_file(
> "/path/to/tiles.geojson"
> ).to_crs(3857)
> gdf = gdf.explode().reset_index(drop=True)
> geom = gdf.geometry.valuesv0]
> config = SHConfig(max_download_attempts=100)
> aggregation = SentinelHubStatistical.aggregation(
> evalscript=evalscript,
> time_interval=("2022-01-01", "2023-08-01"),
> aggregation_interval="P1D",
> resolution=(500, 500),
> )
> request = SentinelHubStatistical(
> aggregation=aggregation,
> input_data=_
> SentinelHubStatistical.input_data(
> DataCollection.define_byoc(COLLECTION_ID),
> ),
> ],
> geometry=Geometry(geom, CRS(,
> config=config,
> data_folder="/path/to/dir",
> )
> response = request.get_data(show_progress=True, save_data=True)

Tile size:

As you’ve noticed, the problem is in number and size of geometries and large TOI (mostly the latter one). BYOC collections generally also take longer to process.

Looking at your requests, I see you’ve managed to get successful responses by shortening your TOI, so you could split your requests into shorter periods of time like 1 month and then patch the results together.

But given the amount and size of geometries you should definitely use Statistical Batch API for that. It was designed for cases like this one, so it’s faster and there are no timeouts to deal with.
