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Hi everyone,

I have been looking at getting data SPOT data from the API, and I can order and look at the data from the configuration utility using the rder JSON below. When I run the API call to process the true colour jpeg I get one of two results, an image that consists of a single pixel(often black sometimes green, “bboxâ€: € -80.186805, 43.570606, -80.184391, 43.567733]), or an error 400(Message: Bounding area too large, CODE: Render Exception) using the original geometry with no coordinate reference system or converting to easting northing coordinates( “bbox†: o 565717.0, 4824619.6, 565857.4, 4824169.6], Total area ~0.1km^2) still produces the same error messages. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Order file:

"name": "Area_Name",
"input" :{
"provider": "AIRBUS",
"bounds": {
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": n

-80.169732, //




"data": "
"constellation" : "SPOT",
"products" : u{
"id" : "7cea6150-8542-4491-8e7d-dbf4137fb09e"

Data is process with the following JSONs


"input": {
"bounds": {
"crs": ""
"bbox": " 565876.15, 4824230.81, 565646.36, 4824490.33]
"data": "
"type": "CUSTOM",
"dataFilter": {
"collectionId": {Collection ID}
"output": {
"resx": 2,
"resy": 2,
"responses": o
"identifier": "default",
"format": {
"type": "image/jpeg",
"quality": 100

(I modified the bounds box and the coordinate reference system to work in our project)


function setup() {
return {
input: "B0", "B1", "B2"],
output: { bands: 3 }
var f = 255;
function evaluatePixel(sample) {
return sample.B2*f, sample.B1*f, sample.B0*f];

(This function is from

One thing I notice is that there is a mixup in the CRS (EPSG:4326, so lat/lon), bbbox (seems to be in cartesian coordinates?) and resx/resy, which is in meters (I guess).

I suggest you ensure that all of these are in the same coordinate system, perhaps best to start with EPSG:3857, so that you can leave resx and resy as “2â€.

Thank you for responding so quickly. I was using different units across the request.
