We are trying to search for available dates from the Catalog API and consume data from the Statistical API as soon as possible.
What is the best approach to know when there are new dates?
Looking through the forum, we realized that there’s an SNS topic we can suscribe to arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:214830741341:SentinelS2L2A
from the dataset Sentinel-2 - Registry of Open Data on AWS.
After we receive that notification, are new dates already ready in the Catalog API and Statistical API to be processed? If not, is there a way for us to know when that new date is ready in the Catalog and Statistical APIs or at least how much time we need to wait? Or maybe is there a better approach for what we are trying to accomplish?
Also, how many times is this notification fired/ is data added? Trying to understand if that would fire my SQS/Lambda too many times.