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Hello !

Just to let you know that trying to pass a request through the python API to gather L8L1C data, i am getting a 503 error. No problem with S2L2A, tough i’m not sure this depends on the same server.

You are right, the us-west-2 end-point is having troubles, impacting Landsat and MODIS data processing. We are looking into it.

Sentinel-1 and -2 are on eu-central-1 end-point and these are working nominally.

Sorry for the inconvenience. We will report it when we fix it.

Thanks for your prompt answer ! Happy repairs 🙂

It’s back up.

Once again, we apologize for inconvenience.

Hi, is the us-west-2 end-point is currently having problems again?

us-west-2 end-point is OK, but we are having a trouble with Landsat Collection 2 database, working on it. We expect the data to be up-to-date by tomorrow.

sorry for the inconvenience.

Landsat-8 is back for the last couple of hours.
