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Is it possible to generate an image viewing service in WMS Configurator that combines Sentinel and Landsat data in the same service?
The idea would be, for example, to generate the false color visualization service for a wide area (a country for example) for one or several days, combining the available Landsat and Sentinel data.
Thanks for your information


this is a very cool idea, but unfortunately not possible yet. We will put it on our feature list as it would make a lot of sense.
For the moment you need to have two separate layers (can be in one WMS configuration) and then choose between them

Hello !

Allow me a bump of this topic : what about the integration of the Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 product from NASA ?



We are waiting for USGS to start distributing this on AWS cloud, which should happen in the next couple of months.

Very good, thanks for your answer ! They are already doing it on Azure, but only for North America…

Hello ! Any news on this topic ?

USGS rolled the Landsat Collection 2 three days ago (link) and we have started investigating this.

It will require some work but we will certainly onboard it.

That being said, I am not sure if HLS product is already part of it. But I am sure it will be soon, if not yet.


Has there been any update on the HLS data set? (

Being able to query HLS would be a tremendous help with my work.

Thank you

We have in the mean-time created support for all Landsat Collection 2.

HLS is a bit more tricky and so far there was not a lot of demand shown yet. Still, we put it on the list and will inform you once available.

Thanks for the patience.

Hello !
Bumping again on this topic.
Is there maybe a way to combine near-realtime observations from S2 and L8 including a cross-calibration step using SH scripting capabilities ?
Thanks in advance,

No, not yet. As mentioned, it is complicated, so this will take time. Almost certainly not in the next 3-6 months.
