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i’m trying to download images from sentinel hub using my configuration.

I have tried to this this on jupyter hub server and also on jupyter lab on my own pc.

However, even though the script used to work in the past, I get erros.

On my own pc, when I try to insert my ID I get the following error:

Server response: “UUID string too large”

which I post about it in the past.

the keys that I inserted are written using ’ ’ , but , when it prints the keys, it adds ane extra ‘’ :

!sentinelhub.config --sh_client_id 'fake id' --sh_client_secret 'fake secret.'
!sentinelhub.config --instance_id 'fake instant'
!sentinelhub.config --show

config = SHConfig()

that returns:

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
"instance_id": "'fake instance'",
"sh_client_id": "'fake id",
"sh_client_secret": "fake secret",

as you can see, for the first two it adds " or ’ but the last not.

However, I rememebred that the same configuration utility worked on jupyter hub server, however, surprisingly, this also had errors:

!sentinelhub.config --sh_client_id 'fake id' --sh_client_secret 'fake secret.'
!sentinelhub.config --instance_id 'fake instant'
!sentinelhub.config --show

config = SHConfig()

/bin/bash: sentinelhub.config: command not found
/bin/bash: sentinelhub.config: command not found
/bin/bash: sentinelhub.config: command not found

I couldn’t find this error in the forum before and I don’t understand how can I write the different keys without getting this error.

Please help! 🙂

For the first part, it is very odd that you have different behavior for different config parameters, because the code for modifying parameters does not differentiate between them. I also tried the commands you listed and they set values correctly (so "fake instance" not "'fake instance'" etc.). Tried it directly in my terminal and via jupyter lab, and it worked both times.


sentinelhub.config --sh_client_id "fake id"

also gets the correct result, maybe you could try using that. The only way to achieve the odd "'fake id'" in my config was to use --sh_client_id "'fake id'".

Could you perhaps state the versions of packages you’re using?

As for the command not found, was the package correctly installed in the environment you were using?
