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Dear sir/madam,

currently I extract sentinel1 images from sentinelhub using the code below in my configuration dashboard.

I use the following time window 2018-06-25 to 2018-06-08

and as coordinates

x1 = 7.01

x2 = 7.06

y1 = 52.32

y2 = 52.37

Although I’m able to retrieve these files using the sentinelhub python package it renders as a raster with 0 everywhere. The problem persists when I try out different locations and dates.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?




@id”: “ id/layers/SENTINEL1”,

“id”: “SENTINEL1”,

“title”: “Sentinel1”,

“description”: “”,



“name”: “default”,

“description”: “Default layer style”,

“evalScript”: “return uVV, HH, VH, HV]”



“orderHint”: 0,

“instance”: {

@id”: “ id


“dataset”: {

@id”: “


“datasetSource”: {

@id”: “


“defaultStyleName”: “default”,

“datasourceDefaults”: {

“type”: “S1GRD”,

“mosaickingOrder”: “mostRecent”,

“maxCloudCoverage”: 20,

“temporal”: false,

“resolution”: “HIGH”,

“acquisitionMode”: “IW”,

“polarization”: “SH”


“userData”: {}



I see you defined a layer with acquisition mode IW and polarization SH. For such layer you can only obtain band HH. However your layer is trying to access all four band types with “return nVV, HH, VH, HV]”. That is the reason for your problems

Sentinel-1 has a lot of different types of products. By defining layer’s acquisition mode, polarization, resolution and orbit direction you specify which type of products you want to access. For a different type of product you have to create a different layer.

Also note that each product type is only available for some specific locations around the globe. So you need to choose product type according to your geographical location.

For more info about Sentinel-1 please check ESA User Guides, especially chapters about acquisition modes and observation scenario.
