Hello Team,
Good Morning!!!
Introducing Me, I am working as Software Developer for one of the P&C insurance company based in USA.
I am doing research on creating P&C claims based on satellite image in case of disaster period.
I had impressed when seeing API Examples in sentinel-hub.com, it is exactly matching what I am looks for. Thank you for the examples.
From my system, I will get BBOX values dynamically but when I replace that value in the given URL it is showing empty screen, I am not sure what is wrong.
URL - http://services.sentinel-hub.com/ogc/wms/?REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=-183.9871,47.3133,-175.9871,55.3133&LAYERS=TRUE_COLOR&MAXCC=20&WIDTH=320&HEIGHT=320&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TIME=2020-01-29
In addition to the above following BBOX values tried,
-183.9871 -175.9871 47.3133 55.3133
-180.233144553441 -154.233144553441 -34.2942521012894 -8.29425210128938
Could you please check the above URL and let us know what needs to be corrected ? Thank you very much your help will be greatly appreciated !!!