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As part of the new Sentinel-2 processing baseline, some changes occur in the SCL band.

For example, the new SCL contains 14 unique values (as opposed to the current 12 unique values) and class 7 (formerly called “unclassified”) is now called “dark features”.

However, I don’t see these changes in the EO browser when I look at images past 25-01-2022.

When will these changes take effect in EO Browser?

Dear @ranpelta,

we will look into it. Where did you read on the 14 unique classes and what they represent? The algorithm page doesn’t yet mention them and I could also not see any reference in the Sen2Cor v2.10 release note.

In the meantime I suggest you use your own custom script to display the SCL band. If you slightly modify the one in our custom script repository (here - and then on the top “Show script”) you will be able to visualize the SCL band with the 14 classes via the custom > custom script option at the bottom of the layer list.

2022-02-01 16_44_41-Window




I see 14 classes in an SCL that I downloaded on 30-01-2022.

What about the change in the label names that appear here

Dear @ranpelta

yes, there seem to be new classes in the SCL band now (I found even 15 at some locations) but besides the adjustment of the label naming you linked there seems to be no update (yet) on what the new classes actually represent.

Once ESA publishes this update we will take a look at it and adjust the script and legend.

On an other note, the new additional classes (12/13/14/15) seem to contain just very few pixel so can be neglected within the visualization in EO Browser (still you can adapt the script I shared above if you also want to classify those). They might be helpful for some detailed analysis but without a key of what the new values mean are not yet very helpful.



Dear @ranpelta,

we dug deeper into the issue and found that the additional classes are some bug on our side when requesting data in a resolution > 20 m so lower than native resolution. To avoid this issue you have to zoom in enough so that the resolution in the downloaded image is >=20 m. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are working on a fix. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Regarding the renamed classes, we just deployed a new EO Browser version (v3.19.0) that uses the new legend for dates following the PB changes (after 25.01.2022).


