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I use Sentinel 2 images for research of offshore, typically up to 50 km, and sometimes going 100 km from shorelines. Granule 21NYH (offshore South American) is one I have been studying for several years. But since early 2020 this granule is no longer available online. Grega Milcinski at Sinergise told me that the Sentinel Hub may be cutting back on offshore data since the Sentinel 2s are primarily for land use. If true, that would be very unfortunate since there are many good used in coastal waters. Does anyone know or can direct me to the offshore data policy and who is in charge. Thanks.

please note that it is not us, who is setting the observation scenarios, it is ESA, together with Copernicus. Best to write them an e-mail:

If you get any useful response, we would be happy to hear it to.

