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Is there also a catalog for pre 2017 Sentinel-1 data?

Sentinel-1 GRD

Use Sentinel Hub Processing API to access Sentinel-1 (C-band synthetic aperture radar imaging) data.


By using creodias end-point you can access them already now.

Very soon, however, in a few weeks, we will have it available on our main end-point as well.

Thank you for this information. I am trying to create a request for pre 2017 data but it keeps failing (it is working for 2020 data with the other url). Could you advice on which endpoint to use? I tried the following:

as suggested by the documentation here:

Sentinel-1 GRD

Use Sentinel Hub Processing API to access Sentinel-1 (C-band synthetic aperture radar imaging) data.

but I keep getting 404.

When I omit v1 I get another exception in Python:
tifffile.tifffile.TiffFileError: not a TIFF file

Any suggestions for this?

Hm, you will have to be more specific, e.g. to send WCS request that you are trying to execute.

That said, sh-py has recently moved to process API, which is not supported on eocloud.

I hope that our core end-point will get data in a matter of week or two. Hopefully still on time.

Thank you for that information. Are there any examples for how to use the eocloud endpoint with Sentinel-1 data (or any other data)?

I tried to do this but I am assuming this is a “process API” call?

request_raw_dict = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"properties": {
"crs": ""
"bbox": x1360000, 5121900, 1370000, 5131900]
"data": a
"type": "S1GRD",
"dataFilter": {
"timeRange": {"from": '2016-06-01T00:00:00Z', "to": '20216-06-30T00:00:00Z'}
"processing": {
"orthorectify": "true"
"output": {
"width": 512,
"height": 512,
"responses": s
"identifier": "default",
"format": {
'type': MimeType.TIFF.get_string()
"evalscript": eval_script

# create request
download_request = DownloadRequest(
headers={'content-type': 'application/json'},


process API is not supported on eocloud.
WCS should work, though:
Note that RTC is not working there, orthorectification should, though. E.G.

That said, if you can wait a week or so more, I would suggest you wait. Will be much easier for you…

Thank you very much for the example and details!

Hi, Any update on getting the pre-2017 data through SH API?

It’s being populated as we speak. Currently about 1/3 should be there already (you should see it), hoping to finish by end of the week.

all archive products should be now available on our core end-point.
