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Many thanks for providing Sentinel-1 (S1) products.

Could you provide a list or a link to available layers for Sentinel-1. For example there is the True_Color layer defined:

return [VV, 2 * VH, VV / VH / 100.0]

Are there more pre-defined layers for targeting different issues like for example vegetation monitoring?


this visualization was taken from EO Browser and apart from those few visualizations I don’t think we have anything else.

We actually have a collection of custom scripts. However so far there are only scripts for Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 and MODIS.

We would be happy to extend the collection to Sentinel-1 as well. So if anyone knows any good source, please let us know.

Best regards

Thanks for your quick reply.

I found a publication where the authors probably used some S-1 layers for vegetation classification:

However, I do not have access to it. In case you have, one will maybe find the potential layers they used.

I do not have access to the paper, but I am guessing this was done using some kind of machine learning method (e.g. random forest) to map various SAR signals (multi-temporal) to training sets. I’ve seen such approach working in many occasions, but it needs to be customized to specific region.
