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Updated question:

Is there any place I can find the metadata schema definitions for Sentinel-2 products, specifically L1C and L2A?

The problem that I’m facing is L2A products don’t have tileid information in the metadata. From what I understand, L2A products are generated using transformations on the images, so the footprint shouldn’t change. So, the corresponding L2A product for a L1C product should have the same tileid. Why is it missing then?

Previous question:

I’m using sentinelsat.SentinelAPI to fetch metadata for products. I noticed that L2Ap products don’t have Tile ID attribute. Neither in the product description that comes as a part of SentinelAPI.query method, nor in the SentinelAPI.get_product_odata method.

  1. Why is this the case?

  2. Is there any way to acquire this information?

I am not very familiar with sentinelsat package but I suggest raising an issue at its GitHub page:

Here is a nice list of alternatives to this package:

I figured out that this information is not present in the data returned by their Solr or Odata API endpoint. I have updated my question accordingly.

Not sure if I am right, but perhaps you are referring to the topic discussed here:

Hi, I’m wondering why the geographic projection info of L1C images is lost in the L2A.
For instance, running
gdalinfo /vsis3/sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/VE/2017/3/29/0/B04.jp2
shows that the image is georeferenced in UTM zone 33N. With the same image in L2A,
gdalinfo /vsis3/sentinel-s2-l2a/tiles/33/T/VE/2017/3/29/0/R10m/B04.jp2
shows no projection info. As far as I understand, transforming L1C into L2A involves radiometric corrections only and it shouldn’t affect the geometry. Am I missing s…

Are talking about georeference metadata info that each JPEG2000 image should have or about metadata XML file contained in each GRANULE folder? Which info exactly would you like to obtain?
