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Requests are very slow

  • 26 April 2024
  • 5 replies
  • 1 view

I am runing the basic statistical API and the amount of time the requests are taking is incredbly long. What is happenining.


can you elaborate your findings?
In the last hour we see only 4 requests coming from you. They took about 10 seconds each, to process one year of data, which does not sound “incredibly wrong”.


my mistake, I meant long not wrong. it took me 10 seconds almost to analyse 3-4 polygons previously. Now for somereason it takes 5-10 minutes to analyse just one polygon, and then an error comes up saying connection to sever is not working. This is how long the last two took me ‘Wall time: 4min 46s’. Is this slow internet from my side?

It’s difficult to say as I am not familiar with your setup. Are you using sentinelhub-py?

If so, I suggest to turn on logging and share the output.

we did identify some non-optimal resources and made some improvements.
Do you see this on your side as well?

If not, can you share some more info as asked above?


much much better, back to normal now thank you!
