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Hi all,

I used to download MODIS scenes with an API request, and since two days it keeps failing and returning the following message:

Cannot find transform from SR-ORG:6965 to EPSG:4326!

The request is the following :{INSTANCE_ID}?REQUEST=GetFeature&OUTPUTFORMAT=application/json&VERSION=1.1.2&CRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=46.472168,6.5991307,46.560059,6.5118147&TIME=2017-08-01/2017-08-03&TYPENAMES=DSS5&MAXCC=5

Was there a change in the API recently that impacts modis?

Thanks in advance.

There was indeed an error introduced in the latest upgrade. Should be fixed now.

We apologize for inconvenience.

Thanks for your swift answer. It is indeed fixed.
