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I’m very excited to be able to access planetscope data in small packages through sentinel hub!

I have several questions about this:

  1. One can buy 100km2 packages. For time-series data, assuming 1 image per day, I assume this means the package could buy 100 days worth of 1km2, or 100 days worth of 10 x 0.1km2 AOIs?

  2. Is there a time limit on how long ordered data remains accessible as a BYOC?

Kind regards


Happy to hear that!

100 km2 package can be used in any way. With minimum order size of 0.01 km2, one can do 10.000 requests of 0.01 km2 if one likes. Both of your examples are covered as well.

No limit on BYOC but after 12 months we will start charging for the storage, to compensate the usual cloud storage costs (amount should not be significant though).

Order email sent 🙂

You mention in the Medium article that you will soon be adding other providers as well.

Can you already provide any information on which and when?

Airbus SPOT is next, we are working on it at the moment, but having some technical issues due to specifics of SPOT data (each product having different resolutions…).

Further than that we cannot disclose 🙂

Concerning Pleiades:

Is it possible/will it be possible to task Pleiades data, or is only archive data available?

Just archive data for the moment.

Also, concerning SPOT, do you have a rough timeline?

No I can answer this - beginning of June is a planned timeline for SPOT.

Thanks for the patience.

Thanks for the info! I look forward to it!

Hi @barrett, note that SPOT is available for ordering as well

Your account got some complementary quota to try it out. Looking forward for your feedback.

Thank you very much! We’ll try it out!
