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good morning and greetings to the sentinel team

I clarify in this way an error that happened since March 10 in which we sent your API service,whose answer is from the enpoint is the following:

"message":"You are not authorized to perform this action.",


when we create a polygon or square in our app, we send the coordinates to sentinel in order to create a bound inside an instance, for example, we have this instance in our Sentinel Hub platform:

If we click in “Map bounds” we can see the polygons created inside this instance:

In our platform, we call to the instance just to obtain the layers of these bounds and display them in our map, like this:

The problem we have now, is the call we used to do when a new polygon is created in our system to include inside an instance as a new bound in Sentinel Hub is not working.

For example, we have create the blue polygon in our system:


After the polygon is created in our application, we try to send the coordinates to Sentinel Hub. The URL we call first is

But we got the status 403 😦 and the square is not available in the instance:

So, when we try to get the layers of the bounds includes in the instance, the newer one is not shown, because it doesn’t exist inside de instance:

The data sent in the last call was for example:

"name": "Smartbits",
"additionalData": {
"showLogo": false,
"showWarnings": false,
"imageQuality": 100,
"disabled": false
"areaOfInterest": {
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": i
"crs": {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"

thanks for the progress if you can help me since our application was working normally, unless there was some change in your api service, any documentation about this endpoint

it would be very helpfull, Regards

The problem was fixed.

Map bounds of a configuration are not intended to be used as a vector database for WMS requests.
