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When I download images Sentinel or Landsat with the EO browser I get an error to unzip them. It says the file is corrupted . The file is empty. Any solution?

Best regards

I tried downloading jpg images of Sentinel-2 L2A and Landsat 8 layers, raw bands and custom script layers from Advanced tab and could not replicate the problem.

Can you please provide some more info about the dataset, layers, raw bands or custom script that you want to download and the settings that you used? It will help narrow down the search. Thanks!

For now I suggest downloading one layer / raw band at a time, that way the downloaded file will be an image directly instead of a zip with multiple files.
Hope this helps.


Thank you, i want to download TIFF (with coordinates) analytical 32bit high resolution raw data, but the downloaded file is empty no values.

Are you sure it is really empty, or is it just that GIS tool, which you are using, is not showing the value correctly, as everythig is in the range 0-1?

Did you try analysing value of “black” pixels?

i use arcgis and also qgis, all pixels have value 0,00000, statistics are min 0, max 0, the histogram shows all pixels =0

Now I found the problem to download data with the EOBrowser app. When downloading TIFF 32bit, high resolution raw data if the EPSG3857 coordinates system is selected the downloaded file will be empty. Therefore WGS84 has to be selected


I just tested the EPSG3857 and it the raw band download worked perfectly fine for me (high resolution, TIFF32bit). Which location, which data source and which raw bands where you trying to download? The first two you can easily share with providing the URL.


When downloading Sentinel 2, (also Landsat 😎 TIFF 32bit, high resolution raw data (b01…b11) if the EPSG3857 coordinates system is selected the downloaded file will be empty. Therefore WGS84 has to be selected. This is the área

Sentinel-hub EO-Browser3

Sentinel-2 L2A imagery taken on August 11, 2020

Thank you for the link!

If I understand correctly, these are the settings:

When I click “Download”, I get a 9.2 MB zip file which includes 2 images, each around ~4.5MB. Opening one of them shows that it is not empty:

Is there something different in the way you are downloading the images that might trigger this bug? Maybe area of interest or something similar?

If not, could you maybe check Developer Tools console (on Windows: by pressing F12 and selecting “Console” tab) if there are any error messages there?

Probably you had an area of interest uploaded (AOI) which triggered this error. We were now able to reproduce it, thank you for your help!
Currently the coordinate system of your AOI has to match the one selected in image download. The default here is EPSG4326 and to work correctly all AOI that you upload should also be in that coordinate system.
