Hello, I have added NDVI layer to my map using Leaflet library, with the setup from the Playground. I am now trying to have NDVI only for specific polygons on my map. My map send multiple requests and it works fine when I don’t send the geometry parameter, but when I set it I only get transparent/blank images. My payload (in browser) look like this:
service: WMS
request: GetMap
layers: NDVI
format: image/jpeg
transparent: false
version: 1.1.1
urlProcessingApi: https://services.sentinel-hub.com/ogc/wms/{myId}
maxcc: 20
time: 2023-09-14/2023-09-19
geometry: POLYGON ((42.40060512262515 19.25202190876007,42.40204307436111 19.252697825431827,42.40086260951792 19.257230758666996,42.399416707888896 19.256522655487064,42.40060512262515 19.25202190876007))
name: ndvi
preset: NDVI
width: 512
height: 512
srs: EPSG:3857