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We are trying to implement Pleiades True Color, full 2m resolution image and getting white image for the following request.


“input”: {

“bounds”: {

“properties”: {

“crs”: “


“bbox”: b

-25.47818,31.88136, -25.46333, 31.88992

"data": <
"type": "byoc-934273b4-ffe6-464f-ac83-e49b58154e93",
"dataFilter": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2017-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2017-09-28T00:00:00Z"


“output”: {

“resx”: 2,

“resy”: 2



Can you let us know what are we doing wrong in this?

Looking forward to your reply.


The request has to be changed in multiple places:

  • you are requesting an area for which there is no data in your collection. You can check which area is covered using the catalog API or in the dashboard (go to the collection, “Tiles” tab, select the only tile)

  • “resx” and “resy” must be given in the units of the output coordinate system, which in your case is EPSG:4326 so the units are degrees, not meters. To get the full resolution, it is best to use the native coordinate system of the tile, in this case EPSG:32633. This can also be checked in the dashboard.

  • you did not provide the evalscript. For a true-color image you would use Pleiades bands 2,1, and 0 (red, green, blue respectively) and divide the values by an appropriate factor to scale the common reflectance values to the l0,1] range.

An example request that returns a full resolution image:

"input": {
"bounds": {
"properties": {
"crs": ""
"bbox": 562222,5174016,564198,5172504]
"type": "byoc-934273b4-ffe6-464f-ac83-e49b58154e93",
"dataFilter": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2017-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2017-09-28T00:00:00Z"
"output": {
"resx": 2,
"resy": 2
"evalscript": "return tB2/4000, B1/4000, B0/4000]"

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