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Hello! I’ve been expereincing Pleiades data issue since last couple of weeks. Everytime i receive following error

Error confirming order

Request failed with status code 500


Error occurred while accessing data provider: :403 Forbidden]. Please contact support.


Can you please help to resolve the issue?

We are currently facing issues with provision of Airbus data, which is also why we have temporarily suspended the sale of these.

We are working with Airbus to establish the access for existing users as fast as possible and we will let you know once this is solved.

I apologise for the inconvenience,

Sentinel Hub Team

Thanks for the prompt reply. I do appreciate your sincere efforts. Is it possible to replace some of the quota with maxar or planet skysat datasets so that our research work continues until the problem is resolved. Thank you

This is indeed possible, due to the issues we are facing, assuming your account is eligible for access to these two data sources.

We recommend to use EO Browser to check what data is available in your area of interest, then send us the request to the address.


any update on this?

No, unfortunately not. Still trying to solve the issue.

We apologise for the inconvenience.
