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Dear Friends:

I am not just a novice, but a beginner novice so I would be most grateful for your kind assistance.

Our organization, Conservacion Colombia, operates a network of wildlife sanctuaries in Colombia to protect and preserve flora and fauna at risk of extinction.

It would assist our efforts tremendously if we are able to use a satellite service that provides current and detailed overhead images of our reserve sites. Unfortunately, Google Earth Pro does not provide the clarity required. We hope this Sentinel Hub will meet our requirements.

Does this service accomplish this goal?

If so, may I trouble someone to provide advice on how to proceed?

If Sentinel Hub is not the most appropriate provider, may I ask your advice as to a viable alternative?

Thank you so much for your time and expertise. You will be providing wildlife conservation with an important tool for ensuring the survival of imperiled species.

Kindest regards


it depends what you mean by “current and detailed” images. Sentinel-2 satellite provides data every 5 days (weather permitting), with resolution of 10 meters.
You can explore the availability of data at highest resolution free of charge in EO Browser: 0d605cf007e70fef63de75e75f6672e960701301.jpg

Sentinel-hub EO-Browser3

Sentinel-2 L2A imagery taken on August 18, 2018


If this resolution is not good enough for you, the only viable option is PlanetScope data, which has 3 meter resolution (so 9 times more information than Sentinel-2), but this comes at cost and you would need to make an agreement with them to exploit the data.

All other options, e.g. more detailed data, are simply too expensive so no point in bothering.



Your advice answers the question. We greatly appreciate your time and expertise.

After selecting Sentinel-2 - L1C, is there an instruction page that explains in an easy to understand format how to obtain an image for a specific area? Or are there people who understand how to use this system that we can pay for obtaining the data? It appears a bit too complicated for this old man…

Thank you.

